Soap cleans the body from the outside, ginseng saponins from the inside
Ginseng koji se uzgaja u Koreji naziva se korejski ginseng. Poznat je po korijenu "čovjekolikog izgleda", a njegovu djelotvornost stručnjaci pripisuju izvrsnim klimatskim uvjetima, kvaliteti tla i razvijenim metodama uzgoja ginsenga u Koreji. Upravo vrsta ginsenga...
Liquid gold
Red ginseng extract is labeled golden because it is the highest quality Korean ginseng. The 100 gram package, which is sufficient for up to three months of use, contains 100% natural ginseng extract obtained by steaming a six-year-old root .It contains the most active, effective substances, so-called ginsenosides, from at least 13 milligrams per gram of extract to as much as 16.68 milligrams per gram of Korean red ginseng extract.